The HIGHVIBE Mushrooms Story

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It all began when a friend name Robert Plarr (Vietnam war veteran, inventor, innovator and next level "out of the box" thinker ) shared with us his amazing story about how incorporating medicinal mushrooms has helped transform his entire life by ridding his body of toxic pain and illnesses, while giving him ungodly amounts of energy and clarity to continue to pursue certain projects and innovations at the age of 70.⁣

So we get a phone call one day that he is in town and wants us to “experience” his mushroom blend that he has perfected over the last 10 years...We agree and before we know it, we are slamming down shots of this mushroom powder mixed with water, breathing into a hydrogen machine and doing yoga!It was very interesting experience and we didn’t understand what was all happening but just surrendered and went with the flow. An hour later, we were left with the most amazing feeling in our bodies and minds. ⁣

Our bodies felt super light and relaxed and our mind was clear and present. Over the next couple of weeks, we continued to take it everyday by starting our day off with a serving and doing another 1 or 2 throughout the day. The energy felt incredible especially because there were no jitters. We started telling our close friends and family and they got on it as well and loved the results. We soon realized that we didn’t have enough of a supply to get this out to everyone and start researching into how to get more of it. Eventually, HIGHVIBE Mushrooms was created.⁣

We know that our LIMITLESS Mushroom blend will give you the extra boost you need to do that and we’re just so grateful we have the opportunity to share it with you.⁣

Love, The Team at HIGHVIBE Mushrooms ⁣

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